Growing concerns about climate change and sustainability have put the industrial sector in Spain under pressure to reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint. Fortunately, a number of tax incentives and subsidy programmes are available to facilitate the adoption of more efficient and sustainable technologies.
In this article, we will take a look at the main grants available to companies investing in energy efficiency projects in the industrial sector.
Fiscal incentives
1. Corporate Income Tax Deductions
Companies that invest in energy improvements can benefit from significant tax deductions in corporate income tax. Investments that favour energy efficiency, such as the implementation of renewable energy systems, the optimisation of production processes or the modernisation of machinery, can receive deductions of up to 30% of the investment made. This measure is particularly attractive for industries that require large amounts of energy in their processes.
2. Accelerated depreciation
Another key fiscal tool is the accelerated depreciation of energy efficiency related assets. This mechanism allows companies to recover the cost of their investment in a shorter period, which improves their cash flow and reduces the tax impact in the first years after the implementation of the project. Companies can apply this benefit to assets such as efficient machinery, cogeneration systems or industrial solar panels.
3. IAE (Business Activity Tax) rebates
Some local administrations offer rebates in the Economic Activities Tax (IAE) for companies that demonstrate a significant reduction in their energy consumption thanks to the implementation of improvements in their facilities. These rebates can be 50% or more, depending on the locality and the energy impact of the project.
Grants and support programmes
1. Aid Programme for Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector
This programme, managed by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), offers subsidies for projects that promote the improvement of energy efficiency in industrial facilities. Eligible measures include the renovation of obsolete industrial equipment, the installation of energy management and control systems, and the implementation of efficiency systems in thermal processes. Grants can cover up to 30% of the total investment.
2. Next Generation EU Funds
Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by Next Generation EU funds, includes a specific line for the energy transformation of the industrial sector. This programme aims to support large-scale projects that not only improve energy efficiency, but also drive the transition towards a greener and digitised industry. Grants can reach up to 40% of the investment in projects that integrate renewable energy, storage technologies and optimisation of resource use.
3. Regional programmes
At the regional level, there are numerous support programmes for energy efficiency in industry. Communities such as Catalonia, the Basque Country and Andalusia have specific aid for the modernisation of industrial infrastructures with a focus on energy sustainability. These aids, often co-financed by European funds such as the ERDF, facilitate the adoption of clean technologies such as biomass, geothermal and solar thermal energy in industrial plants.
How to apply for these grants
To access these aid and tax benefits, companies must comply with certain requirements, such as the presentation of energy efficiency certificates accrediting the improvements made. It is also important to be aware of the deadlines and specific procedures for each call, which are usually managed through regional or national bodies, such as the IDAE or the industry departments of the autonomous communities.
In addition, it is advisable to have the support of specialised consultants who can guide companies through the application process and ensure that all technical and legal requirements are met to maximise the economic benefit.
The result of a commitment to energy efficiency
Industries that are committed to energy efficiency not only manage to reduce their operating costs, but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible production. The tax incentives and subsidies available facilitate decision-making in favour of modernisation and optimisation of energy resources, thus placing Spanish industries at the forefront of sustainability and global competitiveness.
In this context, AECA Group plays a key role by offering solutions for energy solutions customised for the industrial sector. From the consulting
for the implementation of energy efficient technologies, up to the management of subsidised projects, in
AECA Group we accompany companies throughout the process of transition to a more sustainable industry. With 30 years of experience in energy efficiency for the industrial sector and our know-how in the processing of grants and subsidies, we are an expert in the field of energy efficiency. strategic partner to maximise the return on investment in energy projects and to guide every step of the process towards a more efficient and competitive future.